How to Identify the Process Terminated by OOM

Posted on Wed, 11 Sep 2024 in Other • Tagged with oom

You can find pid of the process killed by out-of-memory using one command. If you have logs with pid, start a grep on logs to identify what exactly the killed process did.

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Why I don’t have analytics and comments on my website

Posted on Tue, 24 May 2022 in Other • Tagged with blogging, analytics, comments

TLDR; No more analytics, share buttons and comments on this blog. Now it is GDPR-friendly as much as possible without cookie banners. All discussions are on Twitter now. At least while I can use it - I’m from Russia. All my posts starting with this one will have a special link to twitter below the text.

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Using typing.Generic in Python

Posted on Fri, 18 Feb 2022 in Python • Tagged with python, type hints, typing, mypy, PyCharm

I am working on a project with a relatively large code-base. And it has a history. Our team wrote some parts of it way before type-hints. And we steel add hints to the legacy code or improve them. Is it worth the fuss? Sure! Our users are developers. They open our code in PyCharm every day. And they hope that it will help them to solve their task as quickly as possible.

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How to Improve Your Whiteboard Coding Interview Skill

Posted on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 in Other • Tagged with programming, interview, whiteboard

In the last couple of years, I have conducted more than 30 job interviews: on-side whiteboard interviews and, because of Covid, Skype interviews. I saw candidates with different skills. I saw two superstars of whiteboard coding. I saw many guys who thought that they can code, but weren’t able to write a single line or tell for from while. But these are corner cases. What about a regular guy with enough skill and knowledge for the job but not so experienced in whiteboard programming? Like me. I have given much fewer interviews than I have taken. So I am a junior in whiteboard coding.

As an interviewer, however, I can give you one piece of advice that will double your chances to get a job. Here is my tip: Write down every state of each variable in your code during a whiteboard interview. That is it. You can stop watching here. I have already given you the main idea of this video. For the rest of it, I am going to explain why it is so important and how to develop that skill.

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What are good Python interview questions?

Posted on Fri, 14 May 2021 in Python • Tagged with python, programming, interview

There are no good Python interview questions. Why? Because you want to hire a good developer, not a Python nerd. I used to think that there are some good Python-related problems to solve during the interview. But I doubt there is any.

I've interviewed more than 30 developers. I've gradually drifted from only-python-nerd-knows-the-answer questions to general programming problems to solve. There are several reasons for that.

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Audio Programming Frameworks

Posted on Fri, 10 Apr 2020 in Other • Tagged with c++, audio programming

Music production has been my hobby for a year now. It's the main reason why I wasn't so active in blogging last year. Now I am used to it. I've developed some new habits and balanced my life. And I think it's high time to bring some programming into it.

I'm going to program a couple of audio plugins or standalone applications. I have several ideas to implement. And I'm going to write a series of articles about audio programming.

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Type Hints for Dynamic Class Creation

Posted on Sun, 15 Mar 2020 in Python • Tagged with python, type hinting

Type hints in Python are cool. Projects of any size can benefit from them. Actually for projects bigger than 50-60 modules or with more than 5 developers involved type hints become crucial to keep its code quality at a reasonable level. And it looks like it is my favorite topic to write about.

But sometimes, its realization in Python is counterintuitive or even confusing. You have to write a code that has no sense but typing, for example, in case of dynamic type creation and necessity of using cast function. Well, technically all type hints in Python have no sense but typing. However, in the vast majority of cases, type annotation adds clarity to the code, not confusion.

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Is It Worth Become a Developer?

Posted on Mon, 20 Jan 2020 in Other • Tagged with carrier, software developer, programmer

There is a whole week of bank holidays at the very beginning of January in Russia. Sometimes it causes strange thoughts and ideas in people's minds. For example two of my friends decided to become programmers.

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What is Python not good for?

Posted on Tue, 15 Oct 2019 in Python • Tagged with python

There is a question on Quora - "What is Python not good for?" I want to say that Python is good for everything, but it is not true. Honestly, Python is a second-best language for many things. There are not many spots there it is the best language to use.

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Python Typing Hints List

Posted on Fri, 24 May 2019 in Python • Tagged with python, type hints

Here is my small list of sources of type hints in Python that I use almost every day.

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