Big Data. Educational Resources

Posted on Fri, 28 Apr 2017 in Other • Tagged with big data, coursera, quora, education

Big Data is a kind of buzzword nowadays. However, it looks that having skills in it can make a huge influence on a programming career. At least, it's true for me. That's why this list appears. It's a unsorted and unfiltered bunch of resources covered "Big Data" topic.

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Is this MOOC good for me?

Posted on Wed, 05 Apr 2017 in Other • Tagged with mooc, coursera, stepic

There are a lot of massive open online courses (MOOCs) today. Some of them are free, other paid. Such courses were all hype couple years ago. Now when we all come down to earth, there are some questions about that courses: how to add them to my education plan and how to choose the best one.

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Functional Programming Principles in Scala Course Review

Posted on Mon, 24 Oct 2016 in Reviews • Tagged with scala, coursera, functional programming

This fall I finished "Functional Programming Principles in Scala" Coursera course. This course is a part of specialization "Functional Programming in Scala." It's 6 weeks long introduction to Scala and functional programming.

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