Writing code for Unity3d in Sublime Text 3

Posted on Fri, 22 Jul 2016 in Editors & IDE

Using MonoDevelop IDE is the worst part of game developing on Unity. There is an alternative for Windows users. They can use Visual Studio. But should we, Mac users, do? Switch to Sublime Text.

There is lack of information how doing it properly. I've spent a lot of time trying to add autocompletion for C# files in Sublime Text. Finally I found an easy way to do it. In fact, we need only 3 things installed on your Mac:

  • git
  • mono (brew install mono)
  • Sublime Text

Go to the folder with Sublime Text packages (Hint: use Preferences -> Browse Packages... menu item to locate the folder).

git clone https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-sublime.git OmniSharp
cd OmniSharp/
git checkout roslyn

Add to sublime-project file link to solution file:

        "follow_symlinks": true,
        "path": "."
  "solution_file": "SolutionName.sln"

Restart Sublime Text. This is important. I wasted an hour trying to understand why this solution doesn't work.

That's all. Now you have autocomplete and code checker for your Unity game project.

Got a question? Hit me on Twitter: avkorablev